Network Gate SaaS Setup

After a successful installation, you must configure several fundamental components for the system to function correctly. General settings, Roles & Permissions, Currencies, Units, VAT Rates, Brands, and Payment Methods are all linked on the setup page. For the real-time system to function, you must also include Units, VAT Rates, Roles & Permissions, and Brands.

General Settings:
From this page, the site system owner can change the settings of the system. For more details check the below screenshot and descriptions.

Note: Red star marked fields are required and you can’t leave them empty.

You need to enter the following information for system setup.

Company Name => Enter the name of your company. Please keep it max 30 characters. It will be dispalyed in the front page.
Compnay Tagline => Tagline of the system. Please keep it max 80 characters.
Email Address => Company email address. The email address will be use in the invoice page.
Phone Number => Company phone number. The phone number will be use in the invoice page.
Address => Company address. The address will be use in the invoice page.
Client Prefix => The prefix of your client number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Supplier Prefix => The prefix of your supplier number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Employee Prefix => The prefix of your employee number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Product Category Prefix => The prefix of your product category number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Product Sub Category Prefix => The prefix of your product sub category number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Product Prefix => The prefix of your product number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Expense Category Prefix => The prefix of your expense category number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Expense Sub Category Prefix => The prefix of your expense sub category number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Purchase Prefix => The prefix of your purchase number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Purchase Return Prefix => The prefix of your purchase return number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Quotation Prefix => The prefix of your quotation number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Invoice Prefix => The prefix of your invoice number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Invoice Return Prefix => The prefix of your invoice return number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Invoice Adjustment Prefix => The prefix of your invoice adjustment number. The prefix will show before the number and the number will increase by 1 automatically. You can use can word. Max 10 characters.
Default Currency => Default Currency of the system. Select a currency from the list.
Default Language => Default Language of the system. Select a language from the list.
Copyright Text => Copyright Text. You can enter any text. Max 255 characters.
White Logo => The logo will be displayed in the left sidebar on dark mode. We recommend you to use image size 160px X 40px
Black Logo => The logo will be displayed in the left sidebar on light mode. We recommend you to use image size 160px X 40px
Small Logo => The small Logo of the sytem. The logo will be displayed when you click on the toggle bar and toogle the navbar. We recommend you to use image size 40px X 40px
Favicon Icon => The icon that will be dispalyed on the browser tab. We recommend you to use image size 512px X 512px

Other Settings:
The things that you need to know about Roles & Permissions, Currencies, Units, VAT Rates, Brands.

Roles & Permissions
Roles & Permissions are related to employee authentication. You can create a role and assign necessary permissions for the role. Later you can assign the role to an employee.
You can create single or multiple currencies and later you can select your default currency from the general settings option. The default currency is USD but you can change it to your currency.
Units settings are related to the products. You must create at least one unit to create products. While creating a product you will be able to select a unit for the product.
VAT Rates
VAT Rates settings are related to the products, purchases, and sales. You must create at least one VAT Rate to run the system. If you don’t want to use any VAT Rates then you may create a vat rate with a 0% rate and then use this rate for products, purchases, and sales.
Brands settings are related to the products. You must create at least one brand to create products. While creating a product you will be able to select a brand for the product.